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Re港口: Global Economic Recovery Will Help Lift Houston

Published May 26, 2021 by A.J. Mistretta

KEI Meta - Foreign Trade

HOUSTON (May 26, 2021)— Following a year marred by the pandemic and a global recession, 休斯顿作为对外贸易和国际商业中心的地位,可能会在未来几个月乃至几年里支持该地区的经济复苏. That’s according to a 新的分析 released by the Greater Houston Partnership in conjunction with its Global Houston re港口


  • Port of Houston tonnage fell 2.3 million metric tons (6.7 percent) during the pandemic, nearly all the decline occurring in shipments of crude and refined products. 
  • The Houston Air港口 System handled 3.2020年国际旅客将从去年的1200万人次下降到900万人次. Over sixty percent of those passengers traveled in Q1 2020, before countries imposed restrictions on international travel.
  • The poor job market, international travel restrictions, and anti-immigrant rhetoric slowed the flow of newcomers from aboard. 国际移民人数降至24,587人,是20多年来的最低水平. 
  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) declined as well. 该伙伴关系记录了2020年总部位于海外的公司的11项皇冠HGA010官方下载搬迁和扩张, down from a typical annual average of 30 to 40 such announcements. 

The deployment of vaccines in the U.S. 和其他工业化国家的新冠病毒感染和严重疾病的数量大幅减少. 约.6 billion vaccine does have been delivered worldwide as of mid-May. 不过, 许多缺乏必要资源的贫穷国家在疫苗接种方面落后,有些国家甚至还没有接种一剂疫苗. 

Despite the headwinds, the arrival of vaccines has launched a global economic recovery, which bodes well for Houston, according to the re港口. 布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)在2017年的最新估计发现,仅出口就支持了17个.3% of Houston’s GDP. Partnership research估计,该地区与出口相关的直接和间接就业人数约为470人,000个工作岗位. 如今,休斯顿的财富与全球经济的联系就像与美国经济的联系一样紧密.S. economy and energy. 

“你.S. and China are leading the global recovery,” said Partnership Senior Vice President of Research Patrick Jankowski. 国际货币基金组织预计,巴西、法国、印度、印度尼西亚、德国、日本、墨西哥、俄罗斯、土耳其和美国将在今年年底前实现经济增长.K. to make solid contributions as well. 对休斯顿来说,好消息是,今年和明年,该地区所有主要出口市场都有望实现稳健增长.” 


  • Houston has trading relationships with more than 200 countries.
  • 休斯敦-加尔维斯顿关区在2020年的吞吐量(出口和进口)中排名第一, a position it’s held 11 of the last 15 years. 去年,该地区的出口额(出口额和进口额)排名第6位.
  • The value of ex港口s via the district have exceeded im港口s since 2013.
  • 自2009年以来, foreign-owned firms have announced nearly 700 plant, warehouse or office expansions, start-ups or relocations in Houston.
  • Nearly 150 Houston-headquartered companies operate nearly 3,000个办事处, 植物, or distribution centers in / (100 countries.

Hga010皇冠软件下载经常说休斯顿是一个伟大的全球城市,可以与伦敦等城市竞争, 东京, Sao Paulo and Beijing. 但这要归功于Hga010皇冠软件下载的基础设施——也就是Hga010皇冠软件下载的港口——以及Hga010皇冠软件下载与世界各地的联系,” said Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey. “Houston’s ties abroad remain strong. 长期以来,Hga010皇冠软件下载一直是一个重要的国际门户,今天Hga010皇冠软件下载可以吹嘘41家《Hga010皇冠软件下载》全球1000强企业, / (1,700 foreign-owned firms operating in our region and, 当然, 最顶端的U.S. 港口.” 
A complementary re港口, Global Houston: Insights into the Region’s Top 20 Trading Partners, 提供有关休斯顿国际商业关系的更多统计数据和信息,并对该地区前20名贸易伙伴进行排名. 2020年,许多主要合作伙伴之间的商品和服务贸易额下降,这在很大程度上是由于疫情. 
Top 5 Houston trade partners and the value of trade in 2020: 

  1. 中国- 19美元.3 billion, up from $14.7 billion in 2019. 
  2. 墨西哥- 14美元.5 billion, down from $21.7 billion in 2019. 
  3. 巴西- 12美元.0 billion, down from $15.1 billion in 2019. 
  4. 韩国- 9美元.5 billion, down from $13.2 billion in 2019. 
  5. 德国——9美元.5 billion, down from $10.0 billion in 2019. 

查看全球休斯顿:洞察该地区前20大贸易伙伴 在这里 and the 分析 of International Trade and its Impact on Houston’s Economy 在这里


Greater Houston Partnership
大休斯顿伙伴关系致力于使休斯顿成为最适合居住的地方之一, work and build a business. As the economic development organization for the Houston region, 该伙伴关系通过将致力于该地区长期成功的商业和具有公民意识的领导人聚集在一起,促进了11个国家的增长. Representing 1,000个成员组织和大约五分之一的地区劳动力, 合作伙伴关系是商业领袖聚集在一起产生影响的地方. Learn more at

A.J. Mistretta 
Vice President, Communications         
(c) 504-450-3516 |

Senior Manager, Communications


Economic Development


大休斯顿合作伙伴关系因其在2023年杰出的区域经济发展表现而被授予《皇冠HGA010官方下载》的Mac Conway经济发展卓越奖. 被广泛认为是行业顶级贸易出版物对地区的黄金标准认可, the award is based on the following criteria:  总项目 Total investment associated with those corporate facility projects Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects Per capita calculations of those same three metrics  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in Economic Development is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating op港口unity in Houston,” said Steve Kean, President and CEO at the Partnership. “It’s a team effort 在这里 in Houston, Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴与Hga010皇冠软件下载在该地区的经济发展伙伴合作,向世界介绍休斯顿,并为Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区吸引新的就业机会和投资.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016年和2017年, 自1989年成立以来,该合作伙伴在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》排名中名列前茅的总次数达到18次.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载组织获得了著名的Mac Conway卓越奖,我为此感到非常自豪,” said Craig Rhodes, Senior Vice President of Economic Development at the Partnership. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载与12个县地区的合作伙伴共同努力的证明, 它激励Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队继续Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命,推动包容性繁荣,为所有人创造有意义的机会."  Following major economic development wins in 2023, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, with 139 new business announcements identified.  共有40家企业在休斯敦地区建立了新设施,97个项目是对休斯敦地区现有设施的扩建. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, with professional, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  Learn more about why companies choose Houston.
Economic Development


大休斯顿合作伙伴关系因其在2023年杰出的区域经济发展表现而被授予《皇冠HGA010官方下载》的Mac Conway经济发展卓越奖. 被广泛认为是行业顶级贸易出版物对地区的黄金标准认可, the award is based on the following criteria:  总项目 Total investment associated with those corporate facility projects Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects Per capita calculations of those same three metrics  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in Economic Development is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating op港口unity in Houston,” said Steve Kean, President and CEO at the Partnership. “It’s a team effort 在这里 in Houston, Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴与Hga010皇冠软件下载在该地区的经济发展伙伴合作,向世界介绍休斯顿,并为Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区吸引新的就业机会和投资.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016年和2017年, 自1989年成立以来,该合作伙伴在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》排名中名列前茅的总次数达到18次.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载组织获得了著名的Mac Conway卓越奖,我为此感到非常自豪,” said Craig Rhodes, Senior Vice President of Economic Development at the Partnership. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载与12个县地区的合作伙伴共同努力的证明, 它激励Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队继续Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命,推动包容性繁荣,为所有人创造有意义的机会."  Following major economic development wins in 2023, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, with 139 new business announcements identified.  共有40家企业在休斯敦地区建立了新设施,97个项目是对休斯敦地区现有设施的扩建. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, with professional, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  Learn more about why companies choose Houston.


Economic Development

State of the Port

休斯顿港是世界著名的战略门户,在促进国际贸易和推动经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用. As the nation’s largest 港口 in foreign tonnage, Port…

Executive Partners